Classroom Control
Start Screen:
Touch the screen anywhere to turn on the room system with default settings
Power: Opens the Power Page: Toggle Power for Displays and Shut Down System
Basic: Open Basic routing page. Allows Selection of Default Routing Options
Advanced: Open Advanced routing page: Allows Selection of custom Routing Options
Camera: Opens Camera Page: Allows Zoom/Tilt control and switching between Front and Rear Cameras
Annotation: Open Annotation Page. Allows to write and highlight over the current content
Audio: Opens the Audio Page: Control audio levels for each microphone
Program Volume Bar: Raise, Lower, or mute current Room System volume
Mute Button: Mutes/Unmutes all room mics.
Recording Indicator: Shows whether the Lecture Capture Device is currently recording
Basic Routing Page:
This page provides one touch Default routing options.
Blank: Sends a Black Screen to all Displays
PC: Routes PC Primary to Main Displays and PC Secondary to Confidence Monitor
Wired: Routes the Wired laptop connection to all displays
Wireless: Routes the AirMedia to all displays. Users can follow the on-screen instructions for connecting to the Airmedia
Annotation: Routes the annotation overlay to all displays
Note: Selecting a Routing Option on the Basic page will overwrite any custom routings that have been made using the Advanced Routing Page.
Advanced Routing:
The advanced routing page allows you to select a source (i.e PC, Laptop) and route it to a single or multiple displays or outputs. Select a source by touching the Source’s Button. The source will show in the video preview below. To route the source to an output, touch the desired Output’s button. Touching multiple Outputs will route the selected Source to each of the Outputs touched. Once all desired Outputs have been routed to you can display your desired Source on the Touch Panel by selecting the desired source. Touching the video preview will bring the video window to Full Screen. To return to Room Controls press the Touch Panel anywhere on the screen.
Blank: A black screen
PC Primary: The primary screen of the room pc. Start menu and main desktop are located here.
PC Secondary: The secondary screen of the room pc. Can be used for PowerPoint presenter mode
Wired: The HDMI wired laptop connection found on the podium
Wireless: Airmedia device that allows broadcasting wirelessly by following the on screen connection instructions
Front Camera: Camera in the front of the room pointed at the classroom audience
Rear Camera: Camera in the back of the room pointed at the instructor
Annotation: Overly that allows you to draw and highlight over the current main source.
Recorder Content: Content to be recorded and/or streamed.
Recorder Camera: Camera to be recorded and/or streamed
Left Projector: Room’s Left Projector
Right Projector: Room’s Right Projector
Monitor: Confidence Monitor
Room Audio: Outputs routed source audio to class room speakers
PC: Routes source to camera input on pc.
Camera Page:
Select Camera to Control: Press the desired camera icon you would like to control. Once selected the camera feed will show in the Video Preview window.
Send Camera: Routes the selected camera to the Recorder Camera and PC Camera outputs.
Pan/Tilt: Allows movement control of selected camera
Presets: Presets for camera zoom/ focus. Presets 1 & 2 can be set by holding the Preset 1 or Preset 2 button for 5 seconds once the desired Camera placement and Zoom has set. A “Preset Saved” message will appear once Preset is overwritten successfully.
Annotation Page:
Clear Annotation: Clears the current annotation marks
Brush Stroke: Select size of annotation brush
Color: Select color of annotation brush
Freeze On/Off: Freeze video content to allow annotation
Audio Page:
Allows for muting/unmuting as well as controlling volume for each Classroom Microphone
Power Page:
Allows for power control of each room display. Room System can be shutdown by hitting the Shutdown button. Room System will automatically shut down if system is left on Power Page for 60 seconds.