Duo 2FA Reset

  1. Go to https://fsuid.fsu.edu/OIMSelfService/manage2FA and enter your FSUID username and password

  1. Next to the “Passcode” area, click "Call me" and it will call your phone on file 
    1. If IT has provided you with a temporary bypass code, click "Enter a Passcode"

  1. Look at the list of devices. If your phone is already there, you can click on “Device Options” and then “Activate Duo Mobile” or “Reactivate Duo Mobile” to set up the Duo Mobile App

  1. If you don’t have any devices or would like to add a new one, click “Add another device”

  1. Follow the steps depending on what type of device you’d like to add.
  2. You can test your new device by closing your web browser and then going to the https://fsuid.fsu.edu/OIMSelfService/manage2FA again, and telling it to send you a Push or call you, depending on how you set up your device.

For more information, please visit this site:
