Guide for using Classroom AV Equipment
Hi! We have several student organizations that meet in the College of Medicine Rooms 1301, 1302, 1200, and 1400. Can you supply a set of instructions that we can give to the faculty advisers on using the classroom equipment? This will ensure that our student groups use the equipment properly.
Dr. Foster
Meredith Warren
Anthony Garrett
Asked by Elizabeth Foster
on Thu 8/5/21 1:23 PM
Last edited Fri 1/7/22 1:25 PM
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Answer (1)
Matt Fisher
Thu 8/5/21 5:10 PM
Last edited Fri 1/7/22 1:23 PM
Here is the guide for the new class room systems in 1400,1306, and 1200. We'll be putting a condensed version in those classrooms. For 1301 and 1302 I will find those guide or create them.
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